Time for an update!

First, our heartfelt thanks to everybody who has donated money to support NarraScope. We know that it's been a bumpy ride. For a while there we weren't sure whether we had enough to run the event at all.

We are happy to say that question is now resolved. NarraScope will definitely happen in Rochester in person as planned. If the uncertainty had you hesitating on your plans, now's the time to register.

In particular, thanks to Choice of Games and Hosted Games, two companies which are supporting NarraScope at the silver-tier level. You can see their names -- and the names of other worthy donors -- on our sponsors page.

That said, we're not yet breaking even on the event! We'll keep updating that page as more donations come in. Remember that all funds past break-even will be added to the honoraria to our speakers, so any amount is worthwhile.

Speaking of that:

To help us with the push to ensure NarraScope is a success, the IFTF President has announced a $1000 matching donation campaign, that will run from today, May 6, 2024, through May 12, 2024. During this time, all donations made to IFTF will be matched, up to $1000 (for a total of $2000 if the full amount is reached).

(Please note: Admission to NarraScope at the base ticket price is not considered a donation to IFTF. Standard admission is $135 for the in-person ticket and $40 for the online-only ticket. Tickets purchased at the "Community Support" and "Extra Community Support" level include a donation of $35 and $105, respectively. We will do the math for the purposes of this campaign if that is how you choose to donate.)

Upcoming deadlines:

  • In-person registration closes on June 7th.

  • Registration for online participation closes on June 17th.

  • The conference rates at our hotels are only guaranteed until May 20th. (A couple of the hotels keep the rates open for a couple of days longer, but you should get your plans nailed down sooner.)

Anything I forgot? Probably (it's late here) but I'll save it for the next post.