More workshops on June 21st

Late addition of two workshops for June 21st:

Learn the Basics of Writing Branching Narratives with Yarn Spinner – Paris Buttfield-Addison

This workshop will teach attendees how to use the free, open-source interactive narrative and game development tool, Yarn Spinner. In 90 minutes, you’ll learn how to write stories in …

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NarraScope workshops on June 21st

A few updates:

Last year we had online workshops Friday afternoon and in-person workshops Friday evening. This year, the schedule has worked out differently: all our workshops will be online. The first set will be Saturday, June 8th; the second set will be the Friday afternoon of NarraScope (June 21st …

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NarraScope early workshops on June 8th

The Interactive Fiction Technology Foundation education committee is pleased to announce that in addition to the education-centered programming that will take place the Friday before NarraScope begins, there will also be a day of online workshops on Saturday, June 8.

These workshops will help kick off a game jam that …

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NarraScope is getting closer

Time for an update!

First, our heartfelt thanks to everybody who has donated money to support NarraScope. We know that it's been a bumpy ride. For a while there we weren't sure whether we had enough to run the event at all.

We are happy to say that question is …

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NarraScope workshop schedule

We've posted the schedule for Friday workshops!

Please note that there are two groups of workshops this year. Friday afternoon (US Eastern time) will be a sequence of online workshops:

  • Beginning with ink: knots, stitches, diverts, conditions and choices – Ian Greener
  • Branching Stories: Twisting Little Passages with Twine – Katryna Starks …
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NarraScope updates

Assorted news:

The CDC has updated its COVID vaccine guidelines. Nothing much has changed if you’re already up to date. (“Up to date” means you’ve gotten the bivalent booster.) However, if you’re over 65 or are immunocompromised, you are eligible for a second bivalent booster. Booster effectiveness …

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NarraScope approaches!

Here we are, two months out from the first in-person NarraScope since, well, the first one.

As we said at the beginning, all of NarraScope’s talks will be streamed live and will remain viewable after the conference. We don’t want to disappoint our remote participants.

But -- we also …

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NarraScope call for proposals is open for one more week!

A quick note that we're still looking for talks for NarraScope 2023! Anything to do with narrative games and interactive fiction. Discussions, analysis, storytelling technology, connections to other storytelling communities – whatever you've got, we want to hear about it.

The submission deadline is the 20th; this is your final-week reminder …

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NarraScope 2022 is close!

With the conference just a few weeks away, we'd like to drop you some updates and ask a few questions to help us make this the best NarraScope since the last NarraScope.

Accessibility at NarraScope

We've received feedback from a few attendees about potential snags concerning accessibility at the conference …

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Announcing the NarraScope 2022 Games Showcase!

Do you have a narrative game that you'd like to show at NarraScope 2022? We have a limited number of spaces available in our virtual conference hall for developers, designers, hobbyists and anybody else who has a game they'd like to show. If this applies to you, please check out …

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NarraScope 2022: a conference celebrating narrative games

Greetings to you, narrative games fanatics!

Over the past months as the pandemic has raged, we have received many questions and requests for updates about NarraScope. When will NarraScope return? Will NarraScope return? What is the committee’s favorite sea shanty? The time has come to provide at least some …

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No NarraScope 2021

We're sorry to announce that there won't be a NarraScope conference this year. (Online or in-person.)

You might already have guessed, since we haven't posted a call for talks. Usually we have that up by the end of November.

The fact is, NarraScope 2020 was a lot more work than …

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Statement on COVID-19

Like everyone else on the planet, we're paying close attention to the spread of COVID-19 (aka SARS-CoV-2 or the "novel coronavirus").

UPDATE: As of March 12, NarraScope is an online-only conference. See this post.

(Original post below. The following information has been superseded.)

As of March 7, NarraScope is still …

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So you heard about GDC

On Friday evening, GDC announced that their conference is "postponed". They'll try to do an event later in the summer, but everyone's plans for SF in two weeks are drifting smoke right now.

This is a tremendous disruption and disappointment for everybody involved -- attendees, indie devs, speakers, event volunteers, corporate …

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Welcome to Illinois

Narrascope 2020 will be held this year on the University of Illinois campus in Champaign-Urbana, Illinois.

The conference’s campus host is Playful by Design (PbD), an initiative of Informatics Programs. PbD is the U of I’s interdisciplinary games and gaming community, which coordinates academic game studies and design …

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Thanks for the proposals; also Discord, podcast, and more

Our Call for Proposals closed last weekend, with a final tally of more than 100 submissions! We are so excited by how many potential talks, panels, and discussions we received. Huge thanks to everyone who submitted! We are working hard to look over the proposals and we hope to announce …

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NarraScope 2019: complete

We threw a wing-ding, all right!

NarraScope 2019 came out better than we could have dreamed. No, strike that: NarraScope was exactly the conference I dreamed of. But you don't expect your dreams to work out perfectly.

This weekend, mine did. I'm still floating.

I have many thank-yous. Thanks to …

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Volunteers needed!

With the end of conference registration only two weeks away, we want to make sure we have all of our volunteers lined up for NarraScope. Will you be one of the them?

What does a volunteer do?

Show up at MIT on the weekend of June 14-16 and help out …

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A quick note on why we're running NarraScope

Because I miss you all and want to see you.

Maybe that's not the whole reason. (Maybe it's just 27.5% of the reason.)

I've spent a lot of years in what I used to call "the interactive fiction community". It was never the only such community. A lot of …

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Registration is opening soon!

A quick note to say that registration isn't open yet! No, that's not interesting. But registration will be open later this week! See, that's interesting.

We have an amazing program coming together. Not to burble too much about our own event... but this is going to be a fantastic conference …

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