Late addition of two workshops for June 21st:

Learn the Basics of Writing Branching Narratives with Yarn Spinner – Paris Buttfield-Addison

This workshop will teach attendees how to use the free, open-source interactive narrative and game development tool, Yarn Spinner. In 90 minutes, you’ll learn how to write stories in Yarn that branch, use variables, jumps, commands, and more, as well as the future of Yarn Spinner, including saliency for storylets, and automated choose-your-own-adventure book creation. We will conclude by briefly touching on using Yarn Spinner with a game engine, like Unity or Godot. Yarn Spinner is the free and wildly popular tool that was used to build everything from Dredge, to A Short Hike, to Lost in Random, to Night in the Woods (which is what we built it for originally).

Relikpunk Oddities – Rainer Wren Dalton, Laya Liebeseller, E. L. Meszaros, Mairi Nolan

This workshop will explore the making of the ARG presented and played at Narrascope as a collective, community process. It addresses what it means to work in the liminal between digital and analog, fixed and ephemeral, theory and community, and consensus realities and alternate histories. The ARG itself seeks to investigate the ways in which ephemera exist as a part of both consensus reality and the imagined.

Wait, an ARG? Yes, during this year’s NarraScope, we will hosting an alternate reality game (ARG). Imagine:

From roughly 1982 to 1989, Relikpunk Oddities, a community-created, underground, zine-based TTRPG, flourished in the queer community. By 1999, it had become a folktale. While attending NarraScope a small collective of researchers and players are requesting your assistance in finding proof of this game’s existence. This call to action will challenge you to navigate the ephemera left behind by the community – used character sheets, zines, and game-pieces as well as an ever-growing web archive of community stories. If you, yourself, played Relikpunk Oddities we’d love to hear and archive your stories as we attempt to recover this erased classic.

To register for the June 21st workshops, please use this Google form. Deadline for these is June 17th.

(If you've already registered, you add or adjust your selections by filling out the form again. Just be careful: the two workshops mentioned above are on the same time slot, so don't select both.)

There is no registration for the ARG. If you’d like to participate, keep an eye on the NarraScope Discord as the event approaches.

And, of course, remember that today is the last day to register to attend NarraScope in person! The badge list goes off to the printer tomorrow. On-line registration will be open until the 17th.